Our highly skilled and experienced teaching staff deliver quality learning programmes in a supportive and inclusive environment with the dedicated and caring assistance of our teacher aides.
We are also able to call on the services of several specialist teachers who work to a set timetable throughout the term, including:
Music teacher
Physical education teacher
Language other than English (LOTE) teacher
Guidance officer
Occupational therapist
Speech language pathologist
Advisory visiting teacher (A.V.T)
A qualified music teacher visits our school each week to deliver a music programme and to prepare the children for outside school activities, such as the Stanthorpe Eisteddfod and Choir.
We are also visited each week by a specialist music teacher, who teaches the years 3 to 6 students the recorder.
Physical education
The children's daily physical development is catered for through daily exercise as well as sporting activities.
The children have a specialist physical education teacher each week whom provides skills training in a variety of different sports.
Swimming lessons are held in terms 1 and 4.
Instruction in swimming is undertaken at the Stanthorpe Swimming Pool - Smail's Swim School, in Talc Street, Stanthorpe.
Swimming occurs in terms 1 and 4. Parents are welcome to assist teachers with swimming instruction for our younger children.
Children travel to the pool by bus, with the cost of swimming subsidised by the school. Lessons can be paid per lesson or as a lump sum. (Please advise the office if you have a season pass for the pool) Swimming fees will be posted in our school newsletter during swimming times.
Applethorpe State School has two sport houses; Marsh (Green) and Leslie (Red), with our
students competing annually in inter-house school sports.
Students in years 3 to 6 regularly participate in inter-school sport with other Granite Belt Schools. Parents are asked to help transport the children to these schools.
Children particpate in sports to:
teach and practise skills in a wide variety of sports
encourage good sporting behaviour at all times
provide for maximum participation and enjoyment.
From prep onwards, children attend library lesson once a week and choose library books to read and enjoy. All books are required to be taken home in a library bag and returned to school by the due date.
Teacher aides
The school is fortunate to have one full time teacher aide per class. Our teacher aides provide valuable assistance to teachers and students with classroom work as well as other educational and sporting programmes run within our school.